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About the FABSO Library


The Library of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek was established in 1960 as a part of the College of Agriculture with the aim of supporting the Faculty’s teaching process and scientific activity by professional literature and services.

From 1960 to 1976, it operated as the Library of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology. In 1976, the Faculty was divided into two detached institutions, the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Food Technology, respectively, and the libraries were also separated. In the following year (1977), the Library moved to a new location on Tenjska cesta, which provided better conditions for the development and improvement of its activities.

The Library was devastated during the Homeland War. It was left without its premises and a large part of its holdings. During that period, the Library moved several times, and its then modest funds were further damaged. From 1995 to 2010, the Library was located in the Citadel (Trg Svetoga Trojstva 3). With the donations and subsidies, the Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth is trying to renovate and develop it into a modern higher educational library.

Academic Year 2010–11

In 2008, the Library moved into the new premises, in which it still operates today.


The Library occupies 364.42 m2 and is located on two floors. On the second floor, there is a lending department, the shelves with books in open access, two offices, and a closed storage room, and there is a Reading Room on the third floor. The Library has fifty‐nine seats with twenty‐four computers. The Library’s equipment includes four employee computers, a copier, and two printers.


The Library’s collection consists of monographic and serial publications in Croatian and in foreign languages, covering the fields of Agriculture and related biotechnical sciences. Library materials are purchased with the funds of Library’s own or are purveyed by exchange and donations. The students and scientists can search online databases. The Library houses the collections of doctoral dissertations, master theses, graduation theses, and final theses, as well as a reference collection.


As a higher educational library, the Library of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek has a mission of providing the students, Faculty employees, and all interested stakeholders with an access to the information and materials necessary for a study and research work.


By enlarging its holdings and improving library services, the Library will continue to participate in the development of higher educational and scientific activities of the Faculty and advocate the promotion of the agronomic profession.