Department of Plant Production and Biotechnology
Head: Sonja Petrović, PhD, Full Prof.
Deputy Head: Mirta Rastija, PhD, Full Prof.
Teaching Coordinator: Ivana Varga, PhD, Assist. Prof.
Coordinator for Scientific Affairs: Dario Iljkić, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Member of the Program Council of the Center for Lifelong Learning: Bojan Stipešević, PhD, Full Prof.
The scientific‐teaching and professional faculty of the Depattment of Plant Production and Biotechnology consists of ten tenured Full Professors, three Full Professors, seven Associate Professors, six Assistant Professors, four Teaching Assistants, and one Senior Lecturer. The Department’s employees participate in the teaching of undergraduate university and professional studies, graduate university studies, and postgraduate doctoral studies in agricultural sciences. The educational, scientific, and professional activity of the Department of Plant Production and Biotechnology encompasses a wide range of basic agronomic sciences and plant production, starting with agroclimatology and ecology, tillage, agrotechnics, general plant production, sustainable soil management, and agricultural land reclamation and ending with the cultivation of certain agricultural crops, vegetable growing, fruit growing, viticulture and viniculture, ornamental plants, landscape architecture, grassland and plant genetics, plant breeding, and seed production. A scientific‐research work related to the implementation of scientific and professional projects is carried out by field experiments, work at the experimental sites, in the laboratories, and within laboratory practicums (which also serve the educational purposes), in which the Faculty students prepare their final and graduate theses and doctoral dissertations under the Department teachers’ mentorship. The Department’s faculty participates in the work of various state agencies, expert commissions, committees, and working groups appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, and the employees are the members of various professional associations. With professional lectures and participation in the media, they contribute to the popularization of the profession.
The following six subdepartments are established within the Department:
- Subdepartment of General Plant Production and Agroclimatology
- Subdepartment of Agricultural Reclamation
- Subdepartment of Genetics, Plant Breeding, and Seed Production
- Subdepartment of Cereals, Industrial, and Fodder Plants
- Subdepartment of Fruit Growing, Viticulture, and Viniculture
- Subdepartment of Vegetable Growing, Floriculture, and Medicinal Plants