AAI@EDUHr Identity
Procedure for issuing AAI@EduHr identity
The Office for Computer Network and Communication Systems of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek assigns AAI@EduHr identities exclusively to persons connected to the institution (students, employees, external collaborators, guests).
AAI@EduHr e-identities are made for students when enrolling in studies based on data from ISVU.
For students of postgraduate studies Agricultural Sciences and postgraduate specialist studies, identities are made based on data obtained from the Department for Students and Studies.
AAI@EduHr e-identities are made for employees and external collaborators based on data obtained from the Department of General and Personnel Affairs.
AAI@EduHr e-identities in the "guest" category are made to visiting teachers and scientists and for similar temporary needs with approval, for a period of no longer than 3 months.
E-identities are delivered to users exclusively in person upon presentation of an identification document or in writing. The same rule applies to changing the password. For security reasons, e-identity and password information is not sent by e-mail or phone.
The institution keeps records of assigned e-identities. The e-identities of persons who are not associated with the institution are deleted regularly.
Office for Computer Network and Communication Systems
Phone: 031 554 845
E-mail: it@fazos.hr
After opening the electronic identity, you are obliged to change the password within 48 hours. If you do not do this, you can log in with your electronic identity 5 times, after which the electronic identity is locked. Once locked, the electronic identity can only be unlocked by the administrator of the directory by changing the user's password. You can change the password through the interface at the address: https://login.aaiedu.hr /change password