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Department of Agroecology and Environmental Protection

Head: Miroslav Lisjak, PhD, Full Prof.

Deputy Head: Vladimir Zebec, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Teaching Coordinator: Vladimir Zebec, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Coordinator for Scientific Affairs: Vesna Rastija, PhD, Full Prof.

Member of the Program Council of the Center for Lifelong Learning: Vesna Vukadinović, PhD, Full Prof.

The Department of Agroecology and Environmental Protection consists of four subdepartments and of the Central Laboratory for Agroecology and Environmental Protection, with a total of thirty employees. The Department employs fifteen PhDs, six of whom are Full Professors, six Associate Professors, and three Assistant Professors. In the framework of scientific and teaching activities, two additional assistants were hired. So far, the Department’s employees have been the leaders and collaborators in their work on the international projects, the leaders of one national scientific program and a dozen national scientific projects, as well as the leaders of dozens of projects and collaborations financed by the production entities or by local self‐governmental units. The result of scientific and professional engagement is a large number of papers in national and international scientific publications and numerous active participations in national and international scientific meetings.

The Department’s scientific and professional activities include a wide range of basic, applied, and industrial research in the field of biotechnical and natural sciences, whereas a cooperation with the Department of Biology of the University of Osijek, the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, and the Faculty of Medicine Osijek develops an interdisciplinary research in the field of environmental protection and applied biosciences. The Department’s activities in the field of plant physiology and nutrition, pedology, microbiology, fertilization, agrochemistry, chemistry, and biochemistry have established the core research teams for biofortification, visualization, and prediction of soil fertility indicators while applying the geostatistical methods, agroecosystem modeling and creation of the DSS, connection of structure and biological activity (toxicity) of compounds (SAR, QSAR, QSTR), molecular docking of proteins, molecular analyzes of physiologically functional compounds and enzymatic and nonenzymatic stress indicators in plants, preparation of irrigation‐suitability studies, studies of short rotation culture (KKO) cultivation, production of biopreparations for ecological and conventional production, microbiological analysis of food and water and of the animal feed and wine, agrochemical and pedological soil analysis, and the preparation of fertilization programs in agriculture and horticulture.

The Department has the following four subdepartments:

  • Subdepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Subdepartment of Pedology and Environmental Protection
  • Subdepartment of Microbiology
  • Subdepartment of Plant Physiology and Nutrition