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Information for Exchange Students

Through the Erasmus+ Academic Mobility Program—intended for higher education—the students from Croatian universities can visit the universities within the Erasmus Program countries, while the students from foreign universities can also visit Croatian universities.

As early as in the sophomore year of their undergraduate studies, the students can choose mandatory and optional modules from the list of the ones offered by other colleges and universities abroad (i.e., a course catalog). Selecting the modules from other European universities provides the students with an opportunity to acquire highly specialized knowledge in a particular field and significantly raises the quality of a study program itself.

Where is the tender published?

on the websites of the University and of the Faculty, as well as on the Faculty’s social‐network webpages:,,,

Who may apply?

All full‐ and part‐time undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students

How to register?

  • consider the competition on the University’s website
  • read the Instructions for Students published in the competition
  • read the Rulebook of the Erasmus+ Program for an individual international mobility of outgoing and incoming students and (non‐)teaching staff within the framework of the Key Activity 1 (, find it under “University Regulations”)
  • fill out the Application Form
  • send the Application Form and additional documents requested in the competition according to the Instructions
  • selection results will be published on the University’s website in the text of the competition

Following a Selection Procedure and Prior to the Mobility

In addition to the Erasmus Mobility Program, Croatia is also a member of the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS Program), which includes the following countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Serbia. The students may also apply for mobility via the aforemntioned Program.

Where will the competition be published?

On the website of the CEEPUS Program, Agency for Mobility and EU Programs, and on the Faculty’s website and social‐network webpages

Who may apply?

All full‐ and part‐time undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students

How to apply?

It is necessary to register a profile at and follow instructions in the system

Application Results

Application results can also be monitored via the profile at, and a notification thereabout will also be sent to the student’s e‐mail address

For all necessary information regarding student mobility and exchange, contact the Office for International Cooperation and Projects:

Useful Links for Student Exchanges