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Department of Animal Production and Biotechnology

Head: Tihomir Florijančić, PhD, Full Prof.

Deputy Head: Ivona Djurkin Kušec, PhD, Full Prof.

Teaching Coordinator: Zlata Kralik, PhD, Full Prof.

Coordinator for Scientific Affairs: Josip Novoseelec, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Member of the Program Council of the Center for Lifelong Learning: Zlatko Puškadija, PhD, Full Prof.

The Department of Animal Production and Biotechnology was founded in 2018 as a result of a new structure of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek by merging the previous Departments of Animal Husbandry, Department of Applied Animal Husbandry, and the Department of Hunting, Fishery, and Beekeeping. The teaching, scientific, and professional activities of the Department of Animal Production and Biotechnology cover a wide range of basic agronomic sciences and animal production, starting with zoology and ecology, the principles of breeding, genetics, selection, biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology, especially animal nutrition, up to the area of ​​breeding different types of animals—that is, cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry breeding, sheep breeding, goat breeding, horse breeding, beekeeping, fishing, hunting, and pet breeding, as well as the quality and safety of animal products.

As a part of the teaching activity, the teachers and associates participate in the teaching of all courses and and on all levels of study—that is, the on the university and professional undergraduate, university graduate, postgraduate specialist, and the doctoral studies’ level.

Professional activity is based on cooperation with the economy and with small family farms. The employees of individual departments offer their services according to the area of ​​their specialization, and the serivces are provided by cooperation contracts related to the drafting of technological projects, studies, and pieces of advice and consulting within the framework of animal production.

The Department’s scientific and teaching faculty consists of thirty‐one employees, ten of whom are tenured Full Professors, four Full and nine Associate Professors, seven Assistant Professors, and one Teaching Assistant.

The Department has eight subdepartmens, as follows:

  • Subdepartment of Breeding and Domestic Animal Genetics
  • Subdepartment of Animal Nutrition, Anatomy, and Physiology
  • Subdepartment of Breeding and Horse Breeding
  • Subdepartment of Poultry and Pig Breeding
  • Subdepartment of Sheep Breeding, Goat Breeding, and Organic Animal Husbandry
  • Subdepartment of Hunting and Fishing
  • Subdepartment of Beekeeping and Zoology
  • Subdepartment of Animal Products and Food Safety