Quality Assurance
System Assessment
The process of external evaluation of quality‐assurance system examines the procedures and mechanisms for the assurance and improvement of quality of a higher educational institution and is based on a review of fellow experts with the verification of evidence. The external body verifies the following aspects: a) whether quality assurance procedures have been established at the level of a higher educational institution and study programs, and b) whether internal quality assurance procedures are appropriate for the purpose and whether they are implemented systematically. An external assessment does not assess the achieved level of quality of the subject of evaluation but determines the effectiveness of the established quality‐assurance system, its support for the institutional mission, and its contribution to the permanent improvement of quality of all activities of the higher educational institution. The procedure is carried out by the trained and certified experts (auditors), who must not be in a conflict of interests with the subject of evaluation. The evaluation results are documented in the form of an external assessment report, with the recommendations for an improvement and a defined follow‐up.