Exchange Students’ Experiences
Time is passing, and your departure is getting closer. A day prior to the departure and on the day of departure, fear, nervousness, adrenaline, and a hundred other issues in my head begin to resonate with the questions of how I will do it, why, and whether I will have enough money
You have arrived at your destination, you are left with your own resources, and you realize that the adventure of your life has just begun. A new city, new people, new language. Will you succeed, will you prove yourself at a college, will you make friends? Then, you see that there are hundreds of other Erasmus students who share the same opinions as you do.
You get to know them, hang out, go out, travel... And unconsciously, these people become your new family. In the end, you realize that you have met people from all over the world who become your lifelong friends, and you do not want to go home anymore. Laughter, tears, and joy, you share everything with them, and you are glad that you have met them.
I would recommend the Erasmus experience to all students who want to try something new in life, who are afraid of the unknown. The scholarship is sufficient to cover the costs of rent and food. You come home enriched by a life experience, with a bunch of memories, and with the friends who were like family to you in one part of your life. My Erasmus sojourn was spent in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and that city became like a second home to me, a home to which I will surely return some day.
Danijel Juranić, professional practicum experienced in Lisbon
My name is Josipa Rupčić and I am a graduate student at the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences in Osijek. As part of the Erasmus + study stay, I spent 5 months in the city of cultural capital and rich history called Vienna.
Going on an exchange was going into the unknown, since it was the first time I lived in another city for a long period, so the study stay itself was much more but only studying. By meeting people from other parts of the world, I made new acquaintances, but I mainly socialized with Austrians.
During my stay, I traveled through Austria and was enchanted by the landscape of this small country. The beauty of small villages in the center of the Alps is simply a wonderful experience to experience because being surrounded by nature miles away from bustling cities is emotional and mental peace.
The association certainly tried to offer as many activities as possible for all Erasmus students so that the schedule was never empty on a social level. As a student at BOKU University, I listened to lectures in English. The language barrier was not a problem for me, so I took the courses without difficulty.
I recommend students who are thinking about applying for a study stay or internship to take the opportunity and get out of their comfort zone, because in this way, although they make new acquaintances and get to know new cultures, they also get to know himself.
Josipa Rupčić - study stay in Vienna