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Boards and Committees

Committee on Ethics

The Ethics Committee is a permanent Committee of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek that monitors the implementation of the University's Code of Ethics at the Faculty and carries out the procedure for determining violations of the Code of Ethics at the Faculty. In the event of a violation of the Code of Ethics, the procedure for violating the University's Code of Ethics is initiated or a report is submitted to the Dean of the Faculty with a proposal to initiate disciplinary proceedings in case of serious violations. It consists of five members who are appointed and dismissed by the Faculty Council.

The members of the Ethics Committee are:

  • Prof. Ph.D. Manda Antunović - president
  • Prof. Ph.D. Vlatka Rozman - member
  • Jurica Jović, mag. ing. agr. - a member
  • Zoran Semialjac, B.Sc. ing. - member
  • Marko Brnjić, undergraduate student of Agriculture, majoring in Agroeconomics