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Boards and Committees

Final Thesis Committee

The Final Thesis Committee is a permanent committee of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek charged with a control and executive role in the process of application and evaluation of final theses. The Committee’s work implies a final theses’ compliance checkup with regard to the Faculty’s regulations, including the approval of the topic and the appointment of a Commission for the Final Thesis Evaluation and Defense, as well as a final theses’ compliance checkup with regard to the learning outcomes of a specific module and Study Program in its entirety. The Committee is comprised of the Faculty teachers from different departments in order to ensure adequate professional and academic judgment of final theses.

The members of the Committee are as follows:

  • Ružica Lončarić, PhD, Full Prof.—President
  • Ranko Gantner, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Gabriella Kanižai Šarić, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Brigita Popović, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Josip Novoselec, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
  • Vjekoslav Tadić, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
  • Jelena Kristić, PhD, Assist. Prof.