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Boards and Committees

Graduation Thesis Committee

The Graduation Thesis Committee of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek is a permanent Faculty Council’s committee which operationalizes the entire procedure related to the application, assessment, and defense of a graduation thesis.

Upon suggestion of a potential Thesis Advisor, the Committee approves the thesis topic and title, appoints the Thesis Advisor and the members of the Commission for Thesis Evaluation and Defense, and prepares a proposal for the Faculty Council. The Committee is comprised of a President and its members. The President and the members of the Committee are the Faculty’s teachers in the scientific and teaching profession, and they are chosen so that all study programs of graduate university studies of the Faculty are covered.

The members of the Committee are as follows:

  • Mirta Rastija, PhD, Full Prof.—President
  • Goran Heffer, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Ljubica Ranogajec, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Karolina Vrandečić, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Vladimir Jukić, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Miroslav Lisjak, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Zlata Kralik, PhD, Full Prof.