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Mission and Vision

The Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek has clearly defined its mission and vision, which will significantly contribute to the creation of the Faculty’s high-quality development strategy for the period from the Academic Year 2018–19 to the Academic Year 2022–23.




The mission of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek is aimed at sustainable development obtained via high‐quality and effective education based on the modern learning outcomes and the concept of lifelong learning, as well as on the training of highly qualified experts. Scientific activity is founded on the development and dissemination of basic, applied, and developmental research in order to obtain new knowledge and ideas through critical thinking and creativity. The Faculty enables the students to acquire competencies based on modern scientific knowledge by virtue of knowledge and technology transfer and by an active cooperation with the economic entities and community‐based developmental partners. The Faculty promotes the development of the economy and of a wider social community by involving them in the European Research Area (ERA) and the European Area of ​​Higher Education (EAHE).




As one of the leading research and higher educational institutions in the field of biotechnical sciences in the region, the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek will develop a research and educational profile recognized on the international level. By 2025, the Faculty will become recognizable in the biotechnical and interdisciplinary scientific fields of research, in which it will achieve excellence on the international level, actively participate in the European Research Area (ERA), and profile itself as a biotechnical center of excellence for the transfer of knowledge and technologies to the economy.