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Boards and Committees

Science Committee

The Science Committee is a permanent commission that performs the tasks related to the development of the Strategy of Scientific and Research Activities; creates, implements, and monitors an annual Strategy‐oriented action plan; monitors and analyzes the criteria for the appointments to the scientific, teaching, and professional academic titles; and stipulates the criteria of internal conditions for the appointments to the scientific‐teaching and professional academic titles at the Faculty. The Committee also collects the data on a necessity to acquire the capital equipment and various software necessary for the scientific and research activities, stipulates the criteria for the allocation of multiannual institutional financing of scientific activities, and stipulates the criteria to reward the excellence in scientific and research work of the Faculty’s teaching and non‐teaching staff. The Committee also proposes the institutions for the Faculty’s international and interfaculty cooperation in the sphere of scientific and research activities, prepares reports for a self-analysis when evaluating the Faculty’s scientific and research activities, proposes and participates in the organization of scientific assemblies and other scientific events related to the popularization and promotion of science (e.g., Science Festival, Faculty’s Open Day, Science Wednesday, Faculty’s Project Day, etc.) organized by the Faculty, and proposes the candidates for the bestowal of national science awards to the Faculty Council.

The members of the Committee are as follows:

  • Zvonko Antunović, PhD, Full Prof.—President
  • Marcela Šperanda, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Igor Kralik, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Irena Rapčan, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Vesna Rastija, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Andrijana Rebekić, PhD, Full Prof.
  • Ivana Majić, PhD, Full Prof.