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Space and Equipment

The Faculty is housed in Osijek in a new, large building within the university campus built in 2011 located at the address of Vladimira Preloga 1, with a total area of ​​18,600 m2.

For teaching purposes, the Faculty has a total of eight lecture rooms, each having forty‐five to forty‐eight seats, and three auditoria, or amphitheaters: Aula Magna, a lecture hall with 350 seats, and Aula Media and Aula Alta, each having 143 seats. They are fully equipped, with the computers and the necessary technical support (i.e., LCD projectors, two lectureroom smartboards, and access to the Internet) for different teaching models. There are also thirty‐six teaching laboratories, or practicums, equipped with twenty‐four computers, with a total area of ​​2,088 m2, and two computer classrooms equipped with thirty‐eight computers, with a total area of ​​122 m2. The Faculty has forty‐six premises intended for scientific laboratories, equipped with thirty‐six computers and having a total area of ​​1,615 m2.